Japan Day 2 - Nihongo Class 1 & A Trip To Kamakura

Kamakura e Ikou! (or lets go to Kamakura) is a phrase I learn today. Yeah, I will bring you to Kamakura (virtually, of course) by posting the pictures in my fotopages. But before that, lets start the today entry in order.

At 9.00 a.m (I woke up at 6.00 a.m) the first Nihongo lesson is started. We are divided into 3 groups. The first group of course my group which has person from Myanmar, Mongolia & Malaysia (noticed that the countries in this group is all started with M). The third group is special I think because from my point of view, they all have learn Japanese before. The second group is the rest of us (Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam).

Because we have 3 groups, each sensei is introduced by themselves. But still the program coordinator is around when you need him. :)

I think all of us in the class do not has a basic in Nihongo so, the class started with basic Nihongo such as numbering (zero, ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku, nana, hachi, kyu, ju up until man - 10000); basic conversations and the conversations for shopping (if only I learned it yesterday, maybe I can practiced it at 100 Yen shop). The sensei use fun technique during teaching and I think its working. Although, I cant remembering all the things that she taught today, but at least I can greet the cafeteria's workers and receptionist. We do a lot of basic conversations in front of the class. Maybe she dont want us to be shy in doing Japanese conversations. Its work I think because I ask the receptionist my room's key during the evening in Japanese (after returning from the trip).

At 1.00 p.m, we went to visit Kamakura city. Beside us (the participants), our coordinator and one translator also join in the trip (sorry folks, can't reveal their name. I does not has any permission to write their name here). We go to three sites (three = san) which unfortunately I forgot the first 2 sites. The last is daibutsu if I'm not mistaken. The first site is a Buddha temple, the second is a Shinto shrine (anime's fan, do you remember the colourful building that the characters visited during new year? That's Shinto shrine). The third site is a Buddha temple (to look at the Daibutsu - big Buddha's statue).

Along the way, our coordinator (with help from the translator), told us the Kamakura brief history. At the sites, he told us about each site story and its interesting to hear about it. Of course, we also had been given free time to explore, pray, sightseeing, or snap pictures at the site's compound. The most interesting thing that I notice is that, more people were at Shinto shrine (FYI, Buddha and Shinto is the largest religion in Japan. From our coordinator, he said that most Japanese is a Buddha and Shinto including him). I already know it for sometimes but I need a Japanese to tell me the statement that I heard is correct. For me, its an identity unique to Japan and I really respect it. If only people at Malaysia can respect each other religions as Japanese does, we can live a peaceful life (i'm not saying that Malaysia is not peaceful but if you are not ignorant you know what I mean).

Okay, back to the entry, what's else that all of you want to know? I think I can't tell you much. Just that, look at my fotopages, you can enjoy the pictures that I've taken. Oh, in case you are wondering what the thing each of us carry around during the visit, its a radio. So, we can hear the translation and also instructions during the visit. Ja ne. See you in the next post. :)

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